Because we design our products by empathizing with the way people inhabit spaces, use the product, and feel, each of our designs is unique to the individual.
In all our endeavors and decision-making, we commit to prioritize the health and safety of our employees. We pledge to fully comply with all legal and other obligations concerning Occupational Health and Safety. We will work at all levels to assess and reduce the level of risk by evaluating hazards and risks that could adversely affect the health and safety of our employees at our workplace. We emphasize the development and dissemination of awareness that Occupational Health and Safety improvement in our workplace is a shared responsibility of all employees. We will actively monitor technological advancements in Occupational Health and Safety matters and leverage them to the maximum extent. We will strive to continuously enhance our Occupational Health and Safety culture, putting in efforts to establish sustainable, healthy, and safe working environments. We commit to the continuous improvement of our Occupational Health and Safety Management System that we currently implement.